
Meet our colleague - Sofie serves as the common thread
It was the strong and supportive company culture and the possibility to work with product development that attracted Sofie Planås to Leine Linde in Strängnäs. Today, she works as a Project Manager at R&D and loves it.

Meet our colleague - Ludvig Hallberg
Passionate about high tech, Ludvig Hallberg found a perfect match with Leine Linde. As part of the product management team, he defines customized encoder and sensor solutions of the future for automation and drive systems.

Throwback Thursday!
Leine Linde was founded in 1967 by two talented engineers with a feel for the technology.

Högvarv 2023
Today we are joining the HÖGVARV fair at Mälardalens universitet in Västerås/Sweden.

Stolt guldsponsor av HemmaVasan 2023
All form av rörelse påverkar vår hälsa positivt. Vi på Leine Linde fokuserar just nu extra mycket på att uppmuntra våra kollegor till ökad vardagsmotion.